Damadamm, earlier titled as Ishq Unplugged, is an upcoming Bollywood comedy film directed by Swapna Waghmare, starring Himesh Reshammiya, Sonal Sehgal and Purbi Joshi in lead roles.The story focuses on Sameer (Himesh Reshammiya) who has finally got his freedom when his stubby-girlfriend Shikha (Purbi Joshi) has left for a family wedding. He feels like the happiest person in the world, he parties, drinks, and even flirts with girls. He enjoys his freedom while he can, until Shikha shows back up. The rest of the story converts into a Diwali-gift for the whole family, the love bomb will blast soon, in "Damadamm!"
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- Damadamm - Himesh Reshammiya & Various
- Umrao Jaan - Himesh Reshammiya, Purbi Joshi
- Aaja Ve - Himesh Reshammiya
- Madhushala - Himesh Reshammiya, Aditi Singh Sharma
- Yun Toh Mera Dil - Himesh Reshammiya, Sadhna Sargam
- Hum Tum - Himesh Reshammiya, Vaishali Made
- Tere Bina - Himesh Reshammiya
- I Need My Space - Himesh Reshammiya
- Mango - Himesh Reshammiya, Aditi Singh Sharma
- Damadamm (Remix) - Himesh Reshammiya & Various
- Umrao Jaan (Remix) - Himesh Reshammiya, Purbi Joshi
- Aaja Ve (Remix) - Himesh Reshammiya
- Madhushala (Remix) - Himesh Reshammiya, Aditi Singh Sharma
- Madhushala (House Mix) - Himesh Reshammiya, Aditi Singh Sharma
- Bhool Jaaun (Promotional Video Song) - Feat. Sachin Gupta
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